
Showing posts from June, 2023

Trenches (Lyrics)

c# flamenco trenches c#,d,e,f,f#,g#,a,b ==================== in the tundra of rusha down in the trenches of the kommy here we march, killing fields of the pakistan border fenley after fenley attack with grenades and sabers the sutra snipe the rizzos and the battle dies by dusk down in the trenches down in the trenches down in the trenches down in the trenches body after body fall  another rizzo kills the foe body after body fall  another rizzo kills the foe down in the trenches down in the trenches down in the trenches down in the trenches body after body fall  another rizzo kills the foe body after body fall  eyes foward the sabers holds them back the bodies pile at the sandbags, we throw a grenade after the grenade, flying arms and legs the motherland held off the horde to live another day down in the trenches down in the trenches down in the trenches down in the trenches body after body fall  down in the trenches  another rizzo kills the foe down in the ...

Atom (Lyrics to song)

 I WALKED FROM THE DARKSIDE OF THE MOON TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH GIBRALTAR'S GATES CAME TUMBLING DOWN MY WINGS SPREAD THROUGH THE WINDS OF THE PLAINS I LANDED ON PLYMOUTH ROCK THE AIR BREATHES MY NAME AND THE ANIMALS SING MY SONGS AS i SCAR THE MINDS OF MEN MY ECHOES CRY FROM THE JACKALS THAT BLEED THE PREY IN THEIR WAKE, IM A GOD IN  FLESH AND BONE SOME SAY SATAN IS MY NAME BEELZEBUB IN THE EYE THE BUDS WILL BLOOM i AM sATAN  THE NEW SAGA OF AUGUST the virgo cusp, my blood from my fruits i give unto you aTOM HEART BRAIN MASTER aTOM HEART BRAIN MASTER aTOM HEART BRAIN MASTER aTOM HEART BRAIN MASTER x9 the krowes and ravens follow my wake, and their dark felt soothes the sun the cowards now see the end if you don't pay your penance to i satan, the majestik you will know the darkest anguishments of existence the clouds loom now the talk of death as jesus wants me dead but I will nail  that son of bitch to a coffin his mind faltered  when he forgot  his langua...

David De Rothchild, is Jesus and he wants me (Satan) dead!

 David De Rothchild is this dark and dumb son of a bitch that never reads and studies and tries to act like the best philanthropist in the world cause he claims to be Jesus, which I now believe is him. By the way, Jesus never spoke to me until David claimed to be Jesus to me. He with Gandolf an older god that was a part of the trinity of gods with  Brad Pitt and Jesus (which is David) tried to murder me my whole life they were looking for ways to hurt me and end my life. So you'll hear in the new song "Atom" I denounce Jesus as my religious right as Satan a new god here and put the final nail in that son of a bitch! Jesus wants an apocalypse to kill everything and the animals don't want that you dumb maggot sewage rat.

Behemoth and Nergal and his response to me.

    Nergal, or Adam Darski spoke to me through my tongue, which is the way I receive verbal communication from those that may or may not be in the world. I Heard from him that he was told by an old man, a very good old man, that he should believe in Satan. He told me that Satan would be born in this world as a young man that would look the most attractive male in the world. That he would be persecuted and threatened to die by those that didn't understand that he was an immortal god. Nergal then said I will believe in him and protect him because he is a noble god.     When I was living with my mother in Federal Way, I talked to myself about what I thought I was, I looked at the word Satan and thought, AN SAT. I remembered the times I would just sit and space out to pass the time and renew, I felt am I Satan? I would ponder the name Beelzebub as my cute name for my existence. I was Beelzebub I thought, I thought Satan Asshole is what I was. It crossed my mind, and I be...

Brad Pitt, and the new world.

     I hope what I heard today from Erica Sanchez the third was right: Brad Pitt finally came to his senses and understanding and wants to be noble and good.   The world feels better today with a lot of good feelings and awareness in a positive manner, we can help each other lift our bodies in harmony and breathe in a life of passion and honor for our loves and cherish the steps of Valhalla. Sometime within the next two years I'm going to get liposuction done on my body to heal the years of pain and anguish I felt for myself, I hope to see a better future for humanity and say goodbye to my titties. Postscript; Brad turns out to be the liar that he wants to stay as, when I discovered that he lied abut Gandolf being alive and reborn. I guess Brad will never wake the fuck up and heal his visage cause that nigger Brad Pitt wants to flaw all reality.

A Bad Time in Promo Hell...

You placed the order Jun 2, 9:09 AM salahmoh45 salahmoh45 Jun 2, 9:10 AM Sir kindly submit your music link in the requirements Report You submitted the requirements Jun 2, 9:12 AM View requirements Your order started Jun 2, 9:12 AM Your delivery date was updated to June 4 Jun 2, 9:12 AM salahmoh45 salahmoh45 Jun 2, 9:13 AM Sir do you want to get your music to top 50 US YouTube music hits charts Report R Me Jun 2, 9:13 AM does that cost extra? salahmoh45 salahmoh45 Jun 2, 9:13 AM I can get your music to top 50 US hits music charts do you want that sir Report R Me Jun 2, 9:14 AM yes salahmoh45 salahmoh45 Jun 2, 9:14 AM Yes sir It will cost 200$ to do that sir Report salahmoh45 salahmoh45 Jun 2, 9:17 AM Sir if you are in top 50 US hits songs on YouTube your music will get known throughout the world and that will make you a great music artist. You won't have to spend more for promotion again and you will start making alot of money on your music and you will have a great music career wi...

This is the conversation I am having with a promoter...

 This is the conversation I am having with a promoter... samadek2 Jun 4, 10:05 AM Hi razortick, Thanks for your ordering. Report R Me Jun 4, 10:18 AM could i request it to play on rock 95.5 fm samadek2 samadek2 Jun 4, 11:25 AM Sorry for the late response Report samadek2 samadek2 Jun 4, 11:25 AM Sure you can request that Report R Me Jun 4, 11:40 AM Then I would like my song to be played on Chicago 95.5 Rock samadek2 samadek2 Jun 4, 11:51 AM Okay thanks Report Translate to English Yesterday R Me Jun 5, 2:43 AM When will i get a time to listen to the airing of my song? R Me Jun 5, 2:44 AM also the radio station that it airs on samadek2 samadek2 Jun 5, 2:45 AM Okay l will give you the legimate proof of the airplay when play. Report R Me Jun 5, 2:45 AM i want to be able to listen to it live online samadek2 samadek2 Jun 5, 2:46 AM Okay sure Report Translate to English R Me Jun 5, 2:47 AM and i would like the proof as well to have as a keepsake as mp4 recording of video samadek2 samadek2 ...

Albert Teller information about why i wrote it.

I wrote Albert Teller because I experienced an episode of hearing a phone call in my mind and ears where I was listening in on a man claiming that he was being put off by his college teachers by them giving him an advanced algebra book that had a diamond in place of the finalized conclusion of the equation example, thus not giving the student enough information about the equation, When this person reported this on a telephone to London in 1777, in Maine Florida, I wrote that it was a telegram, which It was in my episode a telephone that he was talking into and at that time wasn't officially supposed to be around at that time. So I wrote he sent it via telegram and was killed, in my episode he was speaking to someone and died from a gunshot which I heard in my head and ears.  If that wasn't a true dose of a real event then this is; my 8th-grade teacher, the prick and a pervert gave me an algebra book that was like the algebra book Albert was given, missing parts of the equations...

Pincha Mathrata (Original Demo)

 Pincha  Al Pacino  la mathrata pincha puta  you burned  juan eduardo  to death vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina tu madre de sangre vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina tu madre de sangre vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina tu madre de sangre pincha puta  lo cemo los patos  de julio mendez  and he bled to death la mathratha pincha puta lo cemo sue dedos  de julio torrez  en se cemo  sue knees tambein vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina tu madre de sangre vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina tu madre de sangre vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina tu madre de sangre vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina tu madre de sangre pincha puta  lo cemo julio eduarda's bolez  at thrente cinco  asta el sey jwey ocho cinco lo mathrata pincha madre vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina tu madre de sangre vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina tu madre de sangre vamos a cemadlo puta madre con gasolina...

Los Pwarkas (Colleciones, puta es Conneciones WEY!) [Lyrikz] [Aleorycs]

 los pwarkas james burke and garrison hendricks  son los pwarkas pwarka james burke  mato qadenthre cinco personas  con dos hitmen pwarka garrison hendricks  mato qadenthre cinco personas  pa a ti  puta pinha pwarka  james burke pincha putatas  come sue pernas  pwarkas vana comid  sues dedos con una alambre  adentro sue pincha voacas pincha putatas  come sue pernas  pwarkas vana comid sues dedos con una alambre  adentro sue pincha voacas esta hoata james burke garro tres hermanas en dijo tu madre vana muered en garro una hitman and scondio la madre  en mato las threz hermanas pincha putatas  come sue pernas  pwarkas vana comid  sues dedos con una alambre  adentro sue pincha voacas pincha putatas  come sue pernas  pwarkas vana comid  sues dedos con una alambre  adentro sue pincha voacas pwarka garrison hendricks mato dos muharez  pa a ti james burke con un alambre...