Jack Parsons Part 2 (lyrics)

             F Mixolydian Scale

intervals:  1,2,3,4,5,6,b7

half-steps: 2-2-1-2-2-1-2

notes:      F,G,A,Bb,C,D,Eb


    During the nineteen forties after the war in Europe, In Africa there was a priest that calculated the arrival of the starmen, He then prepared to give them the Ark of the Covenant. He gave it over and was given the candle. and said goodbye, until they meet again. During the nineteen fifties Jack Parsons flew to the moon and met Zeus, who had the Ark, Parsons then later helped Zeus and Aphrodite to load Adolf Hitler's body into the Ark of the Covenant in the year Nineteen Seventy-Eight. 

Jack be nimble with that rocket

he escapes to find another world

jack be nimble with that rocket

a new trajectory in the sky

Jack then went with Zeus to Hilt World in a part of the Milky Way Galaxy, they entered a zone near Hilt and phased their ships to enter the locked airlock. They landed during the Victorian Era. Adolf was reborn in a vat as Ryan James Hicks and was given a black cloak like the Maji and I.D card to blend in. He stayed underground until he encountered his opposition in the Victorian Era.

Jack be nimble with that rocket

he escapes to find another world

jack be nimble with that rocket

a new trajectory in the sky

    Jack Parsons goes to Hilt with Zeus and Aphrodite and helps Jesus birth Ryan James Hicks, after they land in King County the furthest northwest county on Arkapellago, Parson's takes some gold into a vehicle and takes off down a dirt road to a farmer named Jimbo Klume, who talks about the United States of Klume all the time to Jack, as Jack eats at Jimbo's Bed & Breakfast. Jack takes a liking of the place and works as a farm hand during the day and a mini rocket scientist by night, he purchases a black cloak and fakes some papers as registered Maji Man with the local senator James Dean.. this is during the Victorian era and happens before James Dean dies.

Jack be nimble with that rocket

he escapes to find another world

jack be nimble with that rocket

a new trajectory in the sky


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