The Grave Part I and Part II
The Grave Part I – audio clips transcript;
Clip #1; [A train chugging and roaring through the country side.] “That train is the southeast end, see it? Long sleek and powerful, taking off for miles in the hollow graves. A masterpiece twentieth century mechanical perfection. Nothing about it suggests lurking hate or fear or superstition or death! Let's take a look in compartment A, car seventeen. John and Betty Loomis just married; there going to their honeymoon; to John's ancestral estate.” ”John, John I'm so happy! How soon will we get to the west hills?” “In about an hour Betty.” “Just think I married into one of the oldest families in the state.” “I hope you'd be very happy darlin'.”I will, I will. You do love me, don't you John?” “Of course I do baby, i'll always love you; always, no matter what happens.” “What do you mean 'no matter what happens'; what could happen? John somethings bothering you.” “No, no it's nothing at all.” “Your hiding something. It's something you never told me.” “It's nothing Betty, it's nothing to worry about.” “You don't want to tell me?” “No, Not now; maybe later.” “Why are you playing with that piece of yellow string?” “What?” “You've been playing with it ever since we've come on the train.” “Mmm, huh, gosh I never noticed.” “I watched you, you've been tying a knot in it.” “A knot? Good lord, I must have tied it without knowing what I was doing.” “You tied it into a noose. A hang-men's noose.” “But I don't know how I came to make it or where I picked it up?” “Well it's only a piece of string.” “Yes it's only a piece of string. Betty here take this.” “A gun?” “Take it” “But why?” “If, if I should ever try, if I should ever try to strangle you.” “John.” “Please listen to me, If I should ever strangle you, promise me you'll use that gun on me!” “What are you talking about?” [Knocking on cabin door.] “Loomisville next stop.” “Oh this...” “Next stop Loomisville.” “This is where we get off...” “John what's this all about; that piece of yellow string and now this gun?” “Put it away Betty, and remember what I said... Don't ever forget!”
Clip #2; [Train chugging on by...] “Why is it so dark here?” “This is just a way-station; the train only stops here to let us off, otherwise it goes right through.” “Oh, I thought Loomisville was a big town.” “It used to be about a hundred years ago, now there's only the Loomis estate.” “Are we far from the estate?” “About two miles, old Herman Goult should be here to pick us up in the station wagon.” “Herman Goult?” “He's the handy-man; there's been a Goult working for the Loomis family for last hundred and fifty years.” “John I don't like it here. Dark, and that wind.” “What the devil can Goult be; I wrote him what train we were taking...” “Ahh!” “I know Mister John.” “Oh Goult, you frightened my wife!” “I'm sorry ma'am if I scared you.” “That, that's alright, it was just the way you spoke so suddenly out of the darkness.“ “If you follow me I got the station wagon back here.” “John he doesn't like me.” “Wow ah, no; that's just his way; he's very devoted to the family. Wait until you get to know him.” “I... Don't think I... Care to.”
Clip #3; [Sitting in the moving station wagon] “John he's driving to fast, it's so dark!” “Don't worry baby, Goult knows this road like the back of his hand will be there in few minutes.” “I'm frightened; darling please, tell me why you gave me the gun?” “No, I can't tell you now Betty. Maybe after you meet Uncle Everar.” “John.” “What?” “What's that in your hand?” “What, huh, oh.” “Another piece of string. A red one this time.” “Why, I must have picked it up in here off this seat.” “You knotted it into another hang-men's noose.” “Goult!” “Yes Mister John?” “This piece of red string did you put it here?” “No sir.” “Then how did it get here?” “You outta know.” “Yes, I outta know.” “Goult why are you stopping here?” “Were home ma'am, this is the entrance to the Loomis estate. I've got to get out and open the gate, I'll be right back.” “Betty I've got to get out too, I've got to see for myself.” “See what John?” “Just stay here Betty. Stay right where you are” “Wait a minute, I'm coming too!” “Get back Betty, get back in the car!” “John is right ma'am. You shouldn't go with him.” “Take care of her Goult, I won't be long.” “Goult where's he going?” “That is the Loomis family cemetery.” “Cemetery?” “What does he want to see in there in the middle of the night?” “He'll tell you himself ma'am in due time.” “No, I'm gonna find out right now!” “Better not ma'am, better come back...” “John, John wait for me!” “Betty I told you to stay in the car..” “I'm going with you, I wanna know what there is in that thing.” “Get back in that car!” “I'm your wife now; I have the right to know what's this all about? I'm going with you.” “Alright if its the way you feel about it. Hold on to that gun I gave you, keep it in your hand all the time.” “John why?” “You'll find out soon enough!” [Gate opens...] “This is the gate of the family cemetery.All the Loomis's and their wives are buried here.” “It's so shadowy; white tombstones look like ghosts, oh won't it end John!” “No, just hold to that gun.” “John who's grave is this with the high tombstone?” “My great grandfather Stewart Loomis, he founded the Loomis estate.This is my grandfather's grave. His wife, his wife holly, my mother.” “And, and that's all.” “That should be all.” “What do you mean?” “Come over here, this is what I came to see.” “What I've been afraid of.” “John! John it's an open grave, freshly dug!” “Ixnay, it was just dug tonight” “But who is it for?” “Betty darling, I uh, I'm afraid it's for you.”
Clip #4; “Well, what's poor Betty letting herself in for; the fresh grave waiting for her on a honeymoon, and a husband that ties little strings into hang-men's nooses. But you know come to think of it Betty is a lucky girl at that. How many girls get married now a-days can count on finding a nice snug place already for them to lay down in to rest in peace.”
Clip #5; “Now let's hurry back to our date in a grave yard. Remember with poor Betty who's husband has just told that he's afraid of freshly dug grave is for her.” “John what do you mean? Who dug this grave for me? Who?” “Huh huh huh, If I told you, you'd think I was crazy.” “No, you got to tell me if I'm in danger I have a right to know! Was it Goult? Your labor yard?” “No at least I don't think so.” “His wife, Christine?” “Betty Do you believe a ghost could dig a grave?” “Ghost, do you mean uh, I'm in danger of a ghost?” “I told you you'd think I was crazy.” “John what, why are you looking at me like that?” “I don't know? Betty have ya got that gun with ya?” “No I, I left it in the car. What would a gun be against a ghost?”
Clip #6; “There's a station wagon still waiting at the gate, but I don't see Goult.” “Maybe he went up to the house.” “Goult where are you?” “Hello there John.” “What?” “What's up?” “Uncle Everarth! What happened to Goult?” “I think he went up to the house, said you got into the cemetery, so I thought I better come down. Oh is it there?” “Yes it's there, a freshly dug grave.” “Oh.” “Uncle Everar this is my wife, Betty.” “How are you Betty?” “Hello.” “You saw the grave too, Betty?” “Yes and Johm says he thinks it's for me. I, uh, I'm afraid I don't understand?” “You haven't told her anything yet John?” “Well just, just a little I uh couldn't bring myself to it.” “I think it's time you did,” [Sitting at the dining table and drinking tea.] “More tea Betty?” “Thank you Uncle Everar, I will have a little more.” “You John?” “No Thanks.” “To bad Christine is ill, she's upstairs in her room; I hope she'd be better by tomorrow.You could see her then.” “Maybe.” “What do you mean?” “That grave out there, maybe it will be filled tomorrow.” “John don't you think it's time you kept promise to tell me what this is all about?” “You tell her Uncle Everarth.” “Well Betty there's a ghost in the Loomis family, that's it in a nutshell.” “Oh I see, and it was a ghost who dug that grave?” “I know it sounds mad, and for a hundred and fifty years we Loomis's have come to the conviction that it can't be anything but a ghost.” “A hundred and fifty years? You mean...” “John's great grandfather Stewart Loomis; severed his script of sea coast under a patent from the colonial governor. There's his picture over the fireplace” “He doesn't look much like you john.” “Stewart Loomis was a hard man.”
The Grave Part II – audio clips transcript;
Clip #1; “There was a french privateer in these waters, that made a lot of trouble in those days. Asked him to rule, sail the seas with his wife Antoinette.” “What does a french pirate and his wife have to do with that grave?” “Stewart Loomis captured Lorue and his wife; none of the authority converted by the governor had the power to hang them.” “ You mean the woman too?” “Yes, he hanged them both on a gibbet where are family cemetery now stands.” “Oh, how terrible.” “Before he died; Gaston Lorue made a curse on the Loomis family; He swore just as his wife was hanged; so would all the Loomis' women die.” “He swore that he would come back and dig a grave of the wife of a Loomis, every generation, and brandish the noose that which the Loomis strangle his own wife.” “Huh uh, that's incredible.” “Short while afterward a fresh grave was found beside the gibbet where Lorue had been hung. That night Stewart Loomis' wife; John's great grandmother was found hanging by the neck from the eaves of this very house.” “And Stewart Loomis?” “I told you Stewart Loomis was a hard man; and had made many enemies. Their were many who hated him deeply and bitterly. He was arrested in Prive for the murder of his wife. Convicted and executed.” “Now you know the secret of the Loomis family.” “But John that still doesn't prove there's a ghost.” “No that one incident doesn't prove it, but it happened again when the next Loomis married.” “John's grandfather and to the next Loomis; Johm's father. Sometimes a year after they marry sometimes five years. The curse never fails.” “It's happened in every generation?” “Yes, and now John Loomis has brought a new wife home, and there's a freshly dug grave waiting in the family cemetery.” “Then; Then I'm next?” “I don't know Betty. Maybe that grave isn't for you.” “What?” “Maybe it's for Christine. My wife. “This... This is all ridiculous, ah ghost couldn't dig a grave; make John strangle me to death. Uncle Everar you can't believe such a legend, it can't be true!” ”Maybe not my dear; but the graves of the strangled Loomis women are out there to prove it.”
Clip #2; “Well, this is your room Betty. I'll have Goult call you at eight, tomorrow morning.” “Good night.” “Good night, Uncle Everarth.” “Good night John.” “Good night Uncle Everarth.” [Door closes...] “Uh, hah, this is such a big room; so gloomy.” “The whole house is like this. It lays gloomy, and sullen under the Loomis curse. Oh Betty I love you so much. Well beat the curse together.” “Let me go darling. I want to change me clothes and wash.” “Alright, there's a bathroom over there.” “I'll only be a minute.” “Alright darling” [Door opens...] “Aye, lovely bathroom! AHHHH!” “Betty what is it?” “John quick!” “What?” “Look! Hanging from the shower bar!” “Whah? A hang-men's noose.” “It's a real one this time; the rope!” “Ready to hang someone.” “Who put it there?” “It's the Loomis curse we can't get away from it!” “No ghost could've hung that rope there.” “But let's call uncle Everar.” “Call why?” “Have you got the gun with you?' “No, it's in my handbag.” “Get it.” “But John?” “Get it I say!” “Alright John, here; here I got it.” “Alright now keep it with you, all the time; don't be afraid to use it on me if necessary.” “Alright let's get your arm...” “This is his room, I wonder if I were to wake him it might upset aunt Christine, she's sleeping.” “We've got to wake him!” [John knocking on the door...] “Better knock harder.” [Knocking harder... Door opens a little.] “It wasn't locked.” “Call him.” “Uncle Everar; Uncle Everar? There's no answer. There's a light in their room.” “Push the door further open..” “Alright.” [Door creaking open more...] “There's nobody in the room; the beds empty! Uncle Everar! Aunt Christine?” “Maybe in the bathroom, the door is open...” [Betty screams!] “Betty!” “John look!” “But it's luh?” “Aunt Christine she's hanging by the neck. She's dead. It's the same kinda noose that's in our bathroom.” “Uncle Everarth hanged her; it's the Loomis curse catching up with us!” “Well Goult any trace of Uncle Everarth?” “I searched the whole house; basement to attic not a sign of him.” “He must of gone out, I'll come along.” “But it's raining!” “We've got to find him Betty, come on!” [Outside in the rain and thunder...] “It's so dark out here, how will we ever find him?” “I have a flashlight ma'am. Look fresh footprints in the slush.” “It must be Uncle Everarth's; they lead down towards the cemetery. Come along Goult.” [Thunder and rain] “Here Mister John you can see for yourself that the footprints lead right to this new grave.” “Why did he come here?” “There's the answer Betty. A cross at the head of the empty grave.” “”Oh.” “Through your flashlight on it Goult, there's something written on it.” “It says 'Christine Loomis'.” “Ahhhoohhh!” “Another Loomis!” “Look over there!” “Another grave; he's dug another one!” “There's a cross on this one too!” “Does it say anythin'?” “Yes, yes it does, It says; Betty Loomis.”
Clip #3; [In the house again...] “John sit close to me. That portrait of Stewart Loomis over the fireplace looks so real; It frightens me!” “Never mind Betty; whatever happens hold on to that gun! Don't be afraid to use it tonight!” “Where is Goult?” “He outta be here soon. He went to look for some weapons.” “Here I am [Ahh!] John.” “Goult you always frighten me coming in so quietly.” “I'm sorry ma'am. Here Mister John; these outta be good weapons.” “Scythes?” “I had them sharpened the other day. They would slice a man's head off in one stroke, take one Mister John.” [sound of the scythe hitting an anvil, just kidding; it hit another scythe!] “Thanks. I would hate to use it on Uncle Everarth.” “If he shows up tonight you'd better use it.” “Maybe he's come back into the house through the back way.” “I go through the house again if you'd like? This time I'll start with the attic.” “Be careful Goult!” “I will do that.” [Goult walks up the stairs towards the attic...] “John I don't like him.” “Goult?” “I don't think he likes me either.” “That's not true.” [Sound of something hitting the walls or wood or some fucking thing.] “Honey what's that?” “Must be Goult up in the attic!” “Help Mister John! Help huh eh!” “Must have met Uncle Everar hiding up there; stay right here Betty, hold on to that gun!” “John be careful! John come back; I'm frightened, I'm afraid to be alone!... Ah, huh ah, this huh is nothing to be afraid of. I have this gun? And if anybody comes.” [Lights go out...] “The lights; lights went out, who, who's there? Who's in this room? Don't come any closer, I have a gun and I'll shoot. I can't see you, I'll shoot at the sound! John Help, ahhh ahhow! Why my neck? Let go or I'll shoot” [Betty struggles and shoots an unloaded gun...] “It's not loaded, I told it was out when you left it in the car.” “Goult?” “Yes ma;am it's Goult, Mister John is busy up there in the attic with the body of Mister Everar. I killed him too. And when Mister John comes down He'll find you too! I'll cut him down in the dark with my scythe!” “Why? Why?” “There are others besides the pirate Lorue who hated Stewart Loomis; like my own great grandfather he was in the service of Stewart Loomis and he hated him. When Lorue laid the curse on the Loomis' my great grandfather decided to make it come true! It was he who strangled the wide of Stewart Loomis. Through the years the Goult;s from father to son have handed down their hate.” [Betty struggling with the noose on her neck...] “Your mad!” “Maybe, I'll tighten the noose. Finish you!” “Baby where are you? Why's it dark in here?” “Jah ahuh! John the gun, all he has is the scythe!” “But I ugh uh huh eh!” “John! John!” “Ah, huh, oh!” [Goult falls to the floor after struggling with John!] [John heavily breathing with Betty...] “How is he?” “Oh darling, darling what?” “Here John, here, what gotten into you?” “We've finished forever with the Loomis curse!” [Thunder and rain crackles in the dark woods outside; a black cat walks by and a clown cries a lonely tear.]
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