Three Ghosts


Three Ghosts consists of nine audio clips with spoken parts from the radio broadcast of “The Shadow; The Three Ghosts.” The radio play aired on October 31st in 1937.

Three Ghosts;

Audio Clip #01; [Laughter clip 01]

Audio Clip #02; [Laughter clip 02]

Audio Clip #03; “Perhaps the shadow can bring 'em to light.”

Audio Clip #04; “The shadow knows... [Laughter]”

Audio Clip #05; “Hear it?” “But that's only the wind, isn't it?” “No, no it's not like that. You know it does!” [door knob turns.] “Don't move, listen.” [door knob turns]

Audio Clip #06; “Something here tossed in your lap. There, you hear it?” “Why you, get out of here I tell you!” “See it! Look... It's half of a playing card. The ace of spades, when you find the other half, that would be the end.”

Audio Clip #07; [Laughter] “The weed of crime bares bitter fruit; crime does not pay, the shadow knows! [Laughter]”

Audio Clip #08; “I got to think, I got to think of something, I know; we'll leave town.” “Your driving rather recklessly Sneed.” “You again!” “I'm going to haunt you. Try to forget that I'm here in the rear seat. If it annoys you. No don't look under the seat.” “If I could only see you, get my hands on you. I'd show you how much it annoys me!” [Laughter] “Shut up!” “I'm the voice of your conscious Sneed. Perhaps you have a conscious, after all.” “I could choke that voice down your throat without a trouble to my conscious.” “If you only had the power of second sight. You could see me, that's a invaluable gift Sneed, being able to see things that other men can't! Some people call it mental telepathy; some by other names. Remember I can see the pictures you make in your mind. I told you about that.” “You can warn all you like, that's not evidence, not in court; a lot of wild [muffled].” “Well doesn't it frighten you a little Sneed? I simply will you not to see me and you don't! Careful there's a truck coming down the road. Better sound your horn.” [horn honking] “Good lord the fool is taking up the full road” “It's going to hit you. Look out!” [Gasps...] “My god, there wasn't any truck there.” “No, I willed you to see it. And you saw it.” “No truck at all.” “Just look into doubt fire; I'm having hallucinations.” “That's a way to dis-spell hallucinations, drive straight through them. Be careful, were near your house. And this old mill road is tricky.” “What about it?” “Look Sneed, there's a man in the road ahead of you.” “Illusions aye! Really!” “Why it look's like it's one of your two pals that called on you today. I knew he would be here Sneed!” “Really” “Your going to hit him if you don't watch out.” “More of your hallucinations. You think I believe you again, don't you. Well I won't!” [Yell to death...]

Audio Clip #09; [Time ticking...] “Eye!”


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