"Widow Hearts" Information about the songs...

 Widow hearts first started out as a song about how I lived in past lives as a man that was killed all the time by men that wanted to have sex with my harem of women that were supposed to be my women but would be with these men because I was not strong enough to stop all of them from taking my women. In the first version of this song I called the assailants' apes, but as the versions changed I started calling all of them including my women (who could be black or jewish) nickers and chews. I called them by these names because I'm a schizophrenic, at one point I was hearing Brad Pitt tell me he was the catalyst that killed me in my past lives and took my women. One of those people who also assailed me was Mandingo, who happens to be black. These are the people I was outright calling them these names because of the nature of there crimes reflects them being called these terrible words. I also started calling my women these vile names because how easy they would open their legs to these men. The line about "warlocks want to ruin my black suit" was a line I used as a black metal artist who likes to wear all black, which is what I would wear if I could afford my own wardrobe. It gets misconstrued to mean that I'm a black guy that wants to be white. The "escape like a white dove" part was added because I had a vision of a dove escaping a sanctuary and thought that that would make a good line in the song. Not trying to be a racist. So Please try to respect others, when you see a vile person, call them a fucking chew or nicker, cause that's what they are!


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