Preluda De Bruha

             C Locrian Scale

intervals:  1,b2,b3,4,b5,b6,b7

half-steps: 1-2-2-1-2-2-2

notes:      C,Db,Eb,F,Gb,Ab,Bb


    Amy Adams is a actriz from Arkapellago, who made movies, there in Michigan and Iowa county where she lived. Ancient times and Victorian times.

    Amy Adams was at a meeting in Iowa, a courthouse in the Kentucky District, Amy used her appeal as a major actriz to influence John Howard to stay with her at a small villa on the outskirts of Iowa. when they got to her villa, she put a dose of sleeping potion in his drink, he fell asleep, She then shot him in the head with a gun she had in the villa. Heinrick shows up, takes john howard's body to the Iowa field, and grabs the Maji I.D. Ancient times.

    Henry Smith was the "Smith Master" who designed some of the robotic forces of the armaments of steel that during the war on Vale killed some of the Grey Knights forces. Amy Adams at the end of the Ancient Era kills Henry Smith, with a Knife in the Back, Amy follows Henry to the smelting plant, grabs a knife newly crafted, and stabs Henry in the back. She was there in the middle of the night, because Henry Smith was on night shift, and so the kill was done when there was minimal security, and she used the dead President of Akrapellago's badge Juan Eduardo to access the site, which she got from Al Pacino. 

    John Edwards, was a Maji Man from Michigan in Victorian times who was a major influencer of the wars they would have with Korben a place on Kross, Amy Adams, was disguised as an older woman, yet still very much attractive was located in Korben, when John Edwards was on one of the war fronts, Amy made her way to the tent where John Edwards was sleeping and shot him in the head. If John would have lived, he could have been a war hero and become the President of Arkapellago.

    Eric Dennis was a scout for the Maji Men, during the Ancient Era, He was a part of the relay of information about troop movement in Vale, and Amy knew that she had to kill him to understand where certain forces would be positioned in Vale, and she tortured Eric Dennis for information, as he cried and held on to not saying anything new about a certain plan that the Maji were directing the troops, she killed Dennis with Percocet pills in the middle of his cries. 

    Dennis Morgan was a Grey Knight that is attracted to Amy Adams, and when she was in Korben of Kross working to stop the Maji Men. 

As Amy was with Dennis one night, she overheard him plot with James Burke and Garrison Hendricks on how to plan the deaths of the units of Grey Knights, and that the Maji Men would be able to take control of Korben, Amy got her pistol and shot Dennis Morgan after she made love to him because she was in a nest full of Grey Knight there, they were traitors.

    Amy tried to warn the guard but didn't know which Grey Knight to trust, all the upper echelon were friendly towards James Burke and would have thought she was a Maji spy.

    During Ancient Era; Eric Leonard was from Iowa County, he was a teenage kid that was going to snitch to the Maji men about Travis Dennis Howard's death and Harriet Howard's death right after he saw them die. 

    Eric Leonard was a paperboy who hated his route but was forced by his parents to work in the mornings to earn his steel horse, he knew Travis Dennis Howard was the local pothead Maji Man that gave kids drugs to have sex with them, so Eric Leonard went to Travis's house to see if he could score some Goneja. Eric Leonard then saw Amy Adams, cut Harriet Howard in the throat and saw that Travis Dennis Howard was shot in the chest because he was lying on the floor next to Amy. Amy then swiftly caught Eric and tied him down and grilled him to the nines to understand what his allegiance was towards, and Eric was a typical Maji henchkid, so she fucking choked him unconscious and burned him in Travis and Harriet's home.

    Amy called Dennis Smith, A detective she knew in the county and work on this case and to hide evidence, Dennis smith was an undercover Grey Knight that foiled a lot of cases in Iowa.

    Travis and Harriet Howard were a couple that had influence in the political Maji party in the senate. and Travis was gaining momentum as a campaign manager that would give him access to the Black-House. Amy knew that he would hold special clearances to the Black-House, and she needed them to get to Juan Edaurdo's courthouse meeting so that Al Pacino could kill Juan Eduardo the president during the Ancient Era.

    James Howard was a friend of Amy Adams, no relation to Travis and Harriet Howard; James Howard died in a boating accident because he told Amy that he was a Sniper for the M.M. and that he killed thirty-nine men at the battle of Korben, James Howard stated that James Burke and Garrison Hendricks told him where certain Grey Knights would congregate and he flanks there position and detonated a mine that exploded and killed thirty-nine Grey Knights. Amy takes her gun and shoot James Howard in the head, and calls Dennis Smith to call this a boating accident. Victorian times.

    Ryan James Hicks gets a perspective from Jesus, which contacts Ryan spiritually; and tells Ryan that Amy Adams is evil and to kill her, as he hears about her exploits. Victorian times.


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