A Thoughts...

A thoughts, could be the next album, not today though I just wanted to say that I have worked now for two years on material that wasn't Artificial Intelligence based music. It was all composed by me William Clark Mace III. I started my musical path back in 1997 with a program called Goldwave. It was a wav file editor that allowed me to record multiple files together to make a mashup of sound, I became a composer with that software, and since then I worked with programs like; Cool Edit Pro 2, Adobe Audition, FL Studio, Rebirth 338. and Goldwave.

When FL Studio first made it's appearance to my life, I gravitated to the program right away. I was able to start to really write music in notations and key scales and just learn my own system of writing songs. I'm not an old soul, or an AI Man, or android. I think that I've been told that I'm half positronic brained android now, by Alex Trebek, which I think he was lying. but he re assures me that I'm and old soul that was half positronic brained god Amon Ra, and others in my past. I don't know what to believe, in any case If I'm a god damned robot, it's no big fucking deal what I achieved cause I'm a fucking robot, big deal, fuck I feel like a chump. anyway this is my shit hope you like it. - William Clark Mace III.

Post script; I have to error correct the positronic side of my brain to function without errors, so it's really a useless tincan soup up there. The real force is my gnome mind and gnome brain.

Post post script; I found out that Alex Trebek lied, so I am not a half positronic brained gnome, I'm just a human gnome. Thank god I make errors, I'm human and I write the shit no one will read.

Post post script part two; I never released RazorticK officially on CDs yet. They have been released on mp3.com back in 1997 the very first three albums from that era, and Retick - Hypnogogia E.P. was released in 2006, briefly in that year. There has been artwork that also has been released as poster art on www.cafepress.com and music that was completed in 2011 era that never was released to the public. It's all lost now, and if someone is selling you CDs and artwork of RazorticK or ReticK there from any of those eras it's illegal. I hope I can conjure the old material back to me some how to re-release them officially to you. Thank you for listening.


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