Morality and Women...

It seems that almost every women in the world has some how discovered how to beautify themselves to the extent that they start to flaunt their bodies all over America. As I lived here talking with cockroaches and spiders, a theme came up in my dealings with these conversations. I would be subjected to talk to Brad Pitt, the spider and he would talk about how he was having sex with women that were in my "William Clark Mace III's harem". So as he would tell me about who they were, then more women would talk to me about joining my harem, and say they love me, this would go on in my mind only, I would never see these people I would never know any of them in the flesh. I would also get information from Brad Pitt, about how he was balling the newest chicks added to the harem and how these women would say, well "I have to, Brad controls us, and we would be destitute on the streets without our bank accounts if we don't fuck Brad". I would say oh really after a few clever dealings with them I learned to ask do you really want me, are you dealing with me to hurt me? for your own self gratification to feel happy to hurt a good person? and the answers now turn out to be that they just want to hurt who I am. So wizard smoke was right, these ripe women have no morality and I hope the grand wizard beats the shit out of them.


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