.R.D.K. Records info...

.R.D.K. is an acronym for Renfield Draven Krowe, my name in a past life when I lived as a druggie painter trying to escape getting killed by mobsters and people that wanted to kill me for being a nice guy. I lived three lives as a music listener and after the third life, the gods deemed I was to now to become the divine artist that would be on the creative forefront of ideas and cultural firsts. I wasn't keen on this idea at that time to be an artist, because in those days I had Akashic information that I was being hunted and tortured and killed for being a saint of humans. I wasn't even a sexual being at that time and didn't care about falling in love or meeting women for sex, it was never in my mind. I learned to tune out and drop out with drugs for the next thirteen lives and tried to die with methadone a few times to escape getting tortured. There was a woman named Erin who I met this lifetime as William Clark Mace the Third that was there on my final life as Renfield, she took me out of the ghettos and got me into stop time for a sexual escapade that wouldn't end until one thousand years past, and when I cam back from stop time, I was murdered for being Renfield and sexual with Erin, who isn't a good woman to me at times, which means she has to fuck with me to stay safe. 

Postscript: The first three lives as Renfield I wasn't sexual with women or even men, I was just happy to be a music fan and then the fucking gods uprooted my happy ass to make me pay for being a happy go lucky fuck.

Post post script: The world was like cyberpunk a lot drugs with modern computers and cars, there was also flying vehicles that could leave orbit of the planet. and It was blade runner all the fucking way. 

Post-life and death script: This all took place on a different planet than Earth. It was on several planets in an area of the universe where I was first incarnated near. My first life I was William, and I was in a medieval world with my first true love Jenna Jameson, who now is a pornstar and is nowhere near me. Marella Inari and I were together as trees to become new lovers after Marella was there before Renfield lived after Jenna and again the life after my Renfield lives.

Postal scripts are now out of order script:  I died when Jenna cheated on me to save our lives from men that wanted her and would then kill me to have her. She was actually called Marella at that time and was my first true love. Marella Inari was my second true love and the third life after Marella as trees. When I was Chase, I was with Jenna Jameson (her this life name) and Sarah Andersen (her this life name) and Jenna Jameson was really the first Marella. In the book Marella I write about Inari and Jenna but didn't have this insight about the order of my past lives so, it seems as though Marella Inari was the first in my thoughts. But I had Jenna on my mind with my dick masturbating to her image all the time cause I love her as well as Inari.

Added note: There are more lives with Marella Inari as we became wolves, lions, ants at one point in time after trees.

Added note #2: These four women that were the origins of my existence just FUCK for sport, no real love just hardcore penetration is all they fucking crave as whaling cunts. That's why as Renfield I grew the fuck up and forgot about fucking. I was put in hell after the lifetime as Chase, put there by the Marellas' and tortured and butchered, only to rest peacefully in hell until they let me out. Because a good soul is hard to conquer, these dumb cunts have no morality.

Added note three: Jenna Jameson and all these past life scenarios are all fake it seems. I've been given a lot of psychic information that comes from people writing my origins as a wounded soul, I lived a hard life as myself this lifetime, and adding to the things I endured was something that made it seem that I was weathered by the years of existence. My current life has been difficult and I have tried to live as honest with people and share compassion towards those that are around me. I love, and I care, which is why I seemed to be the target to so many vile people in this world, But my influence is hitting America, and people will change for the better because to be a good logical smart human that continues to thrive you need to be a good one, not a piece of shit junky like Brad Pitt, a falling off nigger.


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