The Adolf Hitler song information about Enki.

    I want you to understand why I wrote the song Adolf Hitler, my friend Ryan Hicks and me were very close as friends were we trusted each other with our lives, and in the spring of 2020 I entered the mental health hospital to heal from being disturbed by mind control weapons, I saw a man named Conner, I believe, he was a grey and white haired guy that was younger then me and was there with me in the psych ward trying to heal. When I talked to him, he seemed to know about me and that I had a true love named Marella Inari that was a porn star, But in her porn they called her last name "Inri" which was like Jesus's cross emblem word on the top of the cross in many pictographs of Jesus. So Conner had a picture of a cross with that emblem, and said to me that he knew who I was, and I said to him I'm just a new soul, I don't recall old soul information in my mind, but as I was there I met another person there that was a women, that felt familiar to me and I gathered from her when I talked to her that she said she could have been someone from ancient time of the crucifixion of Jesus. After talking with this woman, I talked with Conner again and he also hinted towards me that I was Jesus and that I died on that cross in the past. I didn't know what to believe and I thought I was talking to Marella in my mind at times so I felt like this information wasn't to foreign and could be real.

    As I stayed there in the hospital I got messages to my head, I think from Conner telling me, that he was Enki the god of Sumerian people and that he was an alien that had UFOs that couldn't land on the earth's soil. That he had to crash land on earth to get here, cause he wants to know me and become part of our society, but his true love is a little more disturbed then him, she was with him in the hospital there with us and she told lies and caused problems with people there. She wasn't friendly towards me and I think wanted me dead. This is the story of how I met Enki, then Sumerian god who saved Ryan Hicks (Adolf Hitler) from the war and brought him to Argentina. 

    Post Script:    The UFOs were unable to land because they couldn't create lift from the surface of the Earth, only land. When Enki landed on an ice platform in Germany for Ryan, he cheated the landing by floating on the ice.

    Post Post Script:    When I wrote Adolf Hitler, I was under the impression or thought that I believed the Earth was flat at that time, because the lack of footage of space that had moving clouds in the footage of space. there are none, which gives the impression that deep space flight is fake. If the clouds aren't moving the Earth ain't round, I had that philosophy, so as I heard what they gave the circumference of the Earth measurement which was around 3000 miles one day by experts, I said double take bullshit. they want you to believe in a flat earth with this lie. Also the instrumentation in planes has a water level to keep the plane level.


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