Elitist piece of shit.

I listened to Maynard James Keenan, talk in his lyrical content being scathing against those that might be living vicariously through others, and I believe he was pointing a finger at me, because I'm Satan, the outcasted one, the one that gets the shaft every time I move two feet. I've lived in the deep end since birth with the shit I had to overcome to live a better life just to feel comfort from life like any other dingbat like him takes for fucking granted with his life now. He believes somehow he's had it bad or is mother superior to others, well fuck you, we don't have to experience the deepest fucking pools to understand life dipshit, And I don't look into others' lives asshole. I just started hearing voices in 2020 in full bloom of people out there who would talk to my tongue, and Maynard has the gull to be a condescending prick with his mother'sa superior attitude that we as people work 9 to 5 every day at life because society failed us are guilty of something, fuck you. I'm as hard as they get dip shit. I hate your superiority complex mother fucker. GROW UP, THERE ARE PEOPLE WORKING IN THIS WORLD, I WAS ONE OF THEM. I HAD TO MAKE MY FUCKING WAY, I EARNED MY RETIREMENT BECAUSE I WAS A HARD WORKING PERSON, FUCK YOU. I LIVED HURT BY MY MOTHER, SHE BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ME AND I STILL MADE IT THROUGH HER TRAPS AND YOURS ASS FUCK SO FUCK YOU. 

Postscript: MAYNARD FAGGOT bought land to work the soil, to slum it like the rest of us, to show he's human, fuck you, just work at a restaurant faggot mother fucker. you just want to add more to you fat ass coffers piece of shit.

Post post script: Kobe bryant and Maynard with his old pal Adam Jones, came from "Townships" others that are an elitist piece of shits do too.


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