The Cross (Lyrics)

             F# Enigmatic Scale

intervals:  1,b2,3,#4,#5,#6,7

half-steps: 1-3-2-2-2-1-1

notes:      F#,G,A#,B#,C##,D##,E#


the blood of our fathers...  x7


the cross at the end of the road

the devil has to pay on nights like this

contracts baron krall put out to damage

a dictatorship over 

the black cloaked maji men

the cross we hold in our hands, 

stabs the secular

the baron will lead the land,

and give blood to our fathers

gasoline purified, 

the fire consumes the maji

a weapon, a golden goblet 

drink and you shall be healed, 

you shall be healed

-----------------end chorus--------------------

under the cross, we march to the rythym of death

the baron will kill all the secular chaotics

the land will be purified again, again, again

the masters of the cross, to meet your devil

at the end of the road, watchers along the tower

the demon cries of the unholy maji men

knights and crosses held in hand

we fight for heinrik the dead hand master

of the grey knights, we beat the maji down

with demon fists, cross to bare on their flesh

baron krall, and heinrik lead the men,

a battle to end an movement from the chaos

of maji steel and pestilence that 

fills the streets of Korben of kross

the blood of the baron, we rise and hold the cross

we cast a spell on the maji, the sinners have no

refuge, a knight cuts threw the their line

blade after blade slays the maji men

the blood of our fathers x8


you shall be healed 

amen x3

spiritu sainti



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