A few words about Hilt...

Into the void of the dark glistening images of the master of horror, we see the landscape and shifty eyes of darkness. I think this was something that comes from a place in your mind where you remember a place a feeling from distant land of time some place deep in your soul, it resonates in your chakras and plays with your senses, the nightmare world of this author creates with his mind here makes me want to explore the narrow pathways down cobblestone streets and disappear. We dance with the whirl of the universe turning tornado as black sun and the mourning star guide us back to the one that is Nyar-lathotep and we remember, this phantom has been in our towns and cities creeping down old alleys to beckon us to come to him and the ruins of his worlds. The night hides his contraptions and play with the mind the shafts and copper pipes, the gadgetry cranking the movements of a piston to echo the sound of industry from the heaps of molten steel and iron that sweep the streets, as the children of the shackled wipe away the dirt on the vehicle's wind shields. Steel horses gather with the maji men, and the brethren of fellahin talk in low whispers to each other about Nyar-lathotep. Beckon the call of the dark one, as he slowly shifts his hand out of his robe, and clutches the child's throat and swallows him into his robe. The maji men and fellahin watch as the master fades into ashes with the boy in his hands and is gone.

Nyarlathotep came from his world bringing with him his black sun into arkapellago as the void of chaos tornado whirled in the sky, casting darkness on the maji city. The shackled work the factories hear a son of redemption was washed away as ashes when Nyarlathotep put his hand on the boy. Eastern mystic Gengis Gondhi freed himself from his shackles and was able to free forty shackled and fled the city that night to eastern arkapellago crossing near the construction of the bridge to the eastern arkapellago island “mumbai”. The boat ride was treacherous and Gengis had to steer himself out of the bay into the ocean currents until he was far enough away to be seized by the maji fleet. Gengis steered back towards the island that was further east which held the port nego, where he was able to guide his people to cross back to the island port mumbai. Gengis gathered with men in the port of mumbai and told his reading of the future; a great deal of men would be in constant war as the eastern arkapellago islands would be invaded by the maji men. The lion man would come sometime in the future to destroy the bridge and restore some order to the eastern mystics. They prayed the boy would be found by the lion man, somehow to bring order to hilt.

The boy was born in western arkapellago, to the demigod Baron Krall. Krall would give power to the grey knights' armour, shields and swords. Baron Krall would blood let and fortify the armaments with majiks that would protect the armour and help inflict damage with their swords. Krall gave the grey knights their honor and duty to follow his path into the world of arkapellgo against the maji men. Deep into the night the chill of the midnight aire freezes the stone, the worship pillars give thanks to Krall, she who wants to destroy the vile which gave Baron Krall a child who would change history. Krall sees into the phantoms of space and time, to find a way to peer into where the boy may be, he sees other worlds, and knows to find him will take a journey that he has to rise to the challenge and defeat the vile pushers of the universe. The child never knew his father, but he was found on the steps of St. Cedars, the black pillars of the church of the maji men.


Some thoughts about Hilt world.

Hilt consists of alot different places and types of beings unlike our own world. The beginning of Hilt the first thing that established it's existance is a light that travelled and saw another light in total darkness. When the light came close to each other it created a sound, as other light found its way to those lights they created sound. The light would hit particulate matter and make sound, as the sound grew, The light remembered the noise. The light then started to move particles into different sorts of things until a culture was created.

Then as the culture cultivated, the culture started to develop more cultures with its body and resources around it. Eventually after trillions of years the matter coalesced into land, and the culture started to think, with a mind of its own. His name was Quinn, He had to start to find solutions to his world of his situation, he learned how to build arms and legs to then change the land and build a world around himself, as he did this other cultures where building with different intentions then his own. Quinn, thought that something would think of hurting him because he learned about pain quickly in his development as a being. So he decided to build a fortified world of protection to never get harmed or killed by others and to stop violence from other locations around his home.

He worked until he understood the properties of matter, but he was hearing things in his mind of other beings in the universe that seemed to be in trouble by the nature of the sounds. His mind tried to talk to them with his mind, and they learned to communicate by sharing information that Quinn gave the others. As Quinn shared, the others plotted with different intentions then Quinn. Soon Quinn heard three other minds that seemed to think in similar fashion as Quinn that he learned to trust, they talked and learned to work together to build The City of Angels" first and made protections around the city second, but others started to invade the world of Hilt as this was being made. Maji Men, warlocks, rizzos, and chinamen, gnomes, elves, giants and fairies. They started to take resources from the space and land to cultivate bodies to work in a bipedual existence. Quinn made himself into an aryan man that created himself and helped Greg, Dennis and Symthe to have human bodies. Dennis was a sutra. Greg was a Fenley and Symthe was a Kongan.

They had to build the city without borders to protect the people from cancers and foriegn matter minds. We built mountains and lava to protect against invaders that were human and lava to protect the sky from flying machines. The land was expanded upon and more beings came to this place as the land was cultivated and made. Other minds heard the blueprints of the human types that Quinn and the wizards developed and started to make themselves human. As this was happening Quinn and the wizards created a dome and magnetic plate that would create gravity for the world of Hilt. They collected resources and made mechanical machines that would build the dome and plate with the raw material in free space. After creating aire locks and channels for expansion to other worlds that could be made in the future. The four corners of the domes round plate is where these channels begin.

There were certain minds and people that lived in the dome because they were on the land when it was wild and they gathered enough resources from the vegetation that Quinn created to fuel his body with energy and they also developed there bodies then, and became human. Quinn studied the people for a long time, they would live in madness for a long time destroying each other and some would get killed and become mind and culture again to stay away from death. Others would study and kill others and find resources and destroy things in the world. They wouldn't give themselves names and would just attack and kill on contact to anyone they found in their way.

Quinn studied minds and evil beings, he captured a mind that had a human body that was vile and sent it to Hades, a place that Quinn created with the wizards and Gilgamesh and Erdos and Fin and also Darth. They learned about mind to try and tame the vile into being good minds and then sending them back into their world. The City of Angels became a refuge for those that were completely good in there hearts and had been saved by Quinn with his machines that would find the hurt and dying and rescue them from being mind cultures again and giving them bodies like their previous template that Quinn would use on them to be remembered.



    Erdos, was a warlock among the Maji Men, he would talk of scriptures that they wanted certain priests that were Grey Knights that he wanted them to quote to their flock. He felt he could scare the flock to commit ritual suicide like a Jamestown situation among the Grey Knights.

    Warlock Noose is about a Hangman who kills another warlock on Arkapellago continent, who is Heinrick, and Baron Krall can see that the other Warlock is Golgoth who was killed by Marduke. Warlock Noose takes place in the Ancient Era.

    Heinrick, moves swiftly through the streets of Arkapellago City looking for the man in the black robe and wizard's hat. This man seemed different from the rest of the Maji Men, he seemed out of place in his black uniform which wasn't like the traditional look of the cloaked Maji Men. As Heinrick approached, Heinrick was wearing a cloak and hood, to hide his appearance and made his way to the stage where Al Pacino was giving a lecture about pest control, and changes needed in the cities, and that President Juan Eduardo would be speaking about national security and the Grey Knight attempts at sabotaging the chemical factories. When this is happening Marduke is lost at Sea heading toward Hen. 

    Heinrick then walked to the side of the stage and showed his I.D. of a Maji Man that Amy Adams killed, John Howard. As he went backstage Heinrick saw the robed figure and asked him for assistance with a delegator who would like to meet Erdos, so Erdos felt like this would suit his needs to gain favor with the Maji Men so he went willingly to where Heinrick wanted him to go. 

    Heinrick moves into a limousine with Erdos, and they ride to the countryside of Iowa County and stop in a wheat field, as they get out of the vehicle, there are Grey Knights there with rope and blades and Erdos tries to run, but Heinrick grabs him and knocks Erdos out, Heinrick stabs the hands of Erdos, because if Erdos was able to use his hands to make a certain gesture with both hands, he would transform his shape into a dragon and breathe fire. 

    Heinrick exposes the bodies in the field thereof Maji Men that have died and tells Erdos as he awakes that he's getting his hands chopped off. One by one hands are cut off his body and they bleed into the soil there. Amy Adams, starts the field ablaze to burn the bodies and Heinrick hangs Erdos, as he beats him to death.


    Amy Adams is a actriz from Arkapellago 43, who made movies there in Arkapellago, there are counties there like Michigan and Iowa county; where she lived with others that she killed. Ancient times and Victorian times.

    Amy Adams was at a meeting in Iowa, a courthouse in the Kentucky District, Amy used her appeal as a major actriz to influence John Howard to stay with her at a small villa on the outskirts of Iowa. when they got to her villa, she put a dose of sleeping potion in his drink, he fell asleep, She then shot him in the head with a gun she had in the villa. Heinrick shows up, takes his body to the Iowa field, and grabs the Maji I.D. Ancient times.

    Henry Smith was the "Smith Master" who designed some of the robotic forces of the armaments of steel that during the war on Vale killed some of the Grey Knights forces. Amy Adams at the end of the Ancient Era kills Henry Smith, with a Knife in the Back, Amy follows Henry to the smelting plant, grabs a knife newly crafted, and stabs Henry in the back. She was there in the middle of the night, because Henry Smith was on night shift, and so the kill was done when there was minimal security, and she used the dead President of Akrapellago's badge Juan Eduardo to access the site. Which she got from Al Pacino.

    John Edwards, was a Maji Man from Michigan in Victorian times who was a major influencer of the wars they would have with Korben a place on Kross, Amy Adams, was disguised as an older woman, yet still very much attractive was located in Korben, when John Edwards was on one of the war fronts, Amy made her way to the tent where John Edwards was sleeping and shot him in the head. If John would have lived, he could have been a war hero and become the President of Arkapellago.

    Eric Dennis was a scout for the Maji Men, during the Ancient Era, He was a part of the relay of information about troop movement in Vale, and Amy knew that she had to kill him to understand where certain forces would be positioned in Vale, and she tortured Eric Dennis for information, as he cried and held on to not saying anything new about a certain plan that the Maji were directing the troops, she killed Dennis with Percocet pills in the middle of his cries. 

    Dennis Morgan was a Grey Knight that is attracted to Amy Adams, and when she was in Korben of Kross working to stop the Maji Men. As Amy was with Dennis one night, she overheard him plot with James Burke and Garrison Hendricks on how to plan the deaths of the units of Grey Knights, and that the Maji Men would be able to take control of Korben, Amy got her pistol and shot Dennis Morgan after she made love to him because she was in a nest full of Grey Knight traitors.

    Amy tried to warn the guard but didn't know which Grey Knight to trust, all the upper echelon were friendly towards James Burke and would have thought she was a Maji spy.

    During Ancient Era; Eric Leonard was from Iowa County, he was a teenage kid that was going to snitch to the Maji men about Travis Dennis Howard's death and Harriet Howard's death right after he saw them die. 

    Eric Leonard was a paperboy who hated his route but was forced by his parents to work in the mornings to earn his steel horse, he knew Travis Dennis Howard was the local pothead Maji Man that gave kids drugs to have sex with them, so Eric Leonard went to Travis's house to see if he could score some Goneja. Eric Leonard then saw Amy Adams, cut Harriet Howard in the throat and saw that Travis Dennis Howard was shot in the chest because he was lying on the floor next to Amy. Amy then swiftly caught Eric and tied him down and grilled him to the nines to understand what his allegiance was towards, and Eric was a typical Maji henchkid, so she fucking choked him unconscious and burned him in Travis and Harriet's home.

    Amy called Dennis Smith, A detective she knew in the county and work on this case and to hide evidence, Dennis smith was an undercover Grey Knight that foiled a lot of cases in Iowa.

    Travis and Harriet Howard were a couple that had influence in the political Maji party in the senate. and Travis was gaining momentum as a campaign manager that would give him access to the Black-House. Amy knew that he would hold special clearances to the Black-House, and she needed them to get to Juan Edaurdo's courthouse meeting so that Al Pacino could kill Juan Eduardo the president during the Ancient Era.

    James Howard was a friend of Amy Adams, no relation to Travis and Harriet Howard; James Hoard died in a boating accident because he told Amy that he was a Sniper for the M.M. and that he killed thirty-nine men at the battle of Korben, James Howard stated that James Burke and Garrison Hendricks told him where certain Grey Knights would congregate and he flanks there position and detonated a mine that exploded and killed thirty-nine Grey Knights. Amy takes her gun and shoot James Howard in the head, and calls Dennis Smith to call this an accident. Victorian times.

    Ryan James Hicks gets a perspective from Jesus, which contacts Ryan spiritually; and tells Ryan that Amy Adams is evil and to kill her, as he hears about her exploits. Victorian times.


    Amon Ra is a Maji Man that had a wife that killed him with Cogentin in Arkallego. He was reborn in a vat, escaped Hades, and wants to kill his wife Marella Inari. Amon is a good Maji Man, that is why he could escape Hades. Modern Era.


    John Howard's son Is Julio Mendez, during Victorian times Julio was a Chemist at a chemical plant called Hydra Plant, working for the Maji Men.

    Julio Torrez, was another chemist who worked for the Maji Men at the Hydra Plant. Victorian times.

    Julio Eduarda was another chemist who worked for the Maji Men at Hydra Plant. Victorian times.

    Hector Alveraz was the chemist director and lead specialist in all information dealing with the chemical weapons the Maji Men possessed.  Victorian times.


    Las Pwarkas are James Burke and Garrison Hendricks who are corrupt Grey Knights and who live on Vale. Very dangerous men wanted dead by a hangman Heinrick

    James Burke, when he lived in Vale, used Garrison Hendricks as a hitman to kill six women and hide the mother of three sisters somewhere on Arkapellago, during the Ancient Era in Vale.

    Garrison Hendricks was able to kill thirty-nine Grey Knights in the Battle at Korben of Kross because James Burke to him to contact James Howard a Maji Man to hide in a nest and detonate a mine that Garrison Hendricks installed to kill the Grey Knight Soldiers Victorian Era.

    "Bradley" or Pwarka Braddetto Pidwarka is la Pwarka number three who lives in Springfield, Michigan county and listens to whales humping music, he gets fat and tries to pick up women. if you support bradlo over the Maji Man named Amon Ra then you are a fucking chump.  Pwarka Braddetto pidwarka was the cunt sings the song james dean. Jenna Jameson was a women, he got stempaks to see into her life and read her thoughts to understand her past, Bradetto was able to get old porns with her in them to become fascinated by her porn dialog.

Modern Era.


    Pincha Mathrata uno or one for English speakers is a Maji Man named Al Pacino who betrayed a lot of Maji Men who were Spanish speakers. Modern Era.

    Pincha Mathrata two is Bradley Puta Peetlo, who supplied the Cogentin a lethal drug to Marella Inari who killed Amon Ra, which is also a Maji Man. Amon Ra hates both Bradleys.

    Amon was born in a Vat later on and finds out Marella Inari his wife killed him. He escaped Hades and was reborn because he was a good soul. Modern Era.


    Adolf Hitler was born in Victorian Arkapellago as Ryan James Hicks and wants to kill Amon Ra in the Victorian Era. Ryan gets a good upbringing from the son of John Howard, who is called Julio Mendez. Julio was killed by Al Pacino In Victorian Times.

    Ryan Hicks met all those that Al Pacino killed, and thought they were his family, a mob family; but a family nonetheless, it's all Ryan ever had, thick as thieves Ryan is do or die with them.

    Ryan's and Jesus's perspective in Pincha Mathrata (Demo), Bruha De Terria, Ryan got his information on all the deaths by Jesus who gave him visions of the carnage.


   Lancaster Devaroe was from Jewbilee and was lost on an island that is not on the map on the west side of Ice Mountains. This happens in the Victorian Era.


    Arkapellago is a technologically advanced place compared to the rest of the world. When the Eastern side Krowe was in ancient times; Arkapellago had vehicle engines and mechanical robots like mechs to carry the load. The Maji would use chemicals to spray on its enemies to eat away the minds of men, they would burn your flesh as well with other chemical attacks. They also had guns in ancient times that were pistols until they modernized in Victorian Era. 

The Grey Knights, would be shielded by Baron Krall. who would bless the armor and weapons to have a magical property to really kill Maji Men, who happened to have a technological advancement over the Grey Knights. The Knights, have also stolen robots, and other mechs to magically use against the Maji Men, with the golden goblet to heal their minds and flesh they can overcome a lot of the trauma that the Maji inflict.


    Ancient times on Arkapellago and Hilt; Marduke went to Crest city to deliver the people of Crest to Geyrmore the king of Crest kingdom. When they get to Crest, Marduke and others see pterodactyl flying near Crest; Geyrmore sees his son Malik and tells him that his mother Raquella never made it to the city of Angels and that he saw her being taken away from the Kastle Cinder on the cobblestone streets when they rounded up the people from Crest Kastle. 

    Before the boy Malik was killed in the cellar of Cinder Kastle. Geyrmore was at a delegation meeting with a Fenleyian diplomat for the first time, who sailed to a place in Crest on the southwest side, a place called Custwind. There he opened a meeting with the Fenleyians and talked of trade and commerce. When this was happening, Raquella and her son, and the Kastle of Crest were seized by Fairowe. 

    A day after Geyrmore left; the forces of Fairowe were there to sack the city and slaughter the army of Crest City; which then surrendered.

    Munsturd Jack, was a litche king that, could whisper in Fairowe's ear about capturing Raquella and taking her to him in the south side of Andora Mountains. This litche king took Raquella to become a varlock, and helped lead his armies as his slave varlock With a potion she was hypnotized and commanded by the litche king Munsturd Jack.

    Quinn the wizard ushered in the people of Crest into his ship with Marduke and Isabella and Marduke's crew.the arrow craft lifted with 318 people and went beyond the ice mountains; it was soon near the Andora Mountains heading for Crest as this vessel flew above Andora the lady varlock named Raquella spied on the vessels path; She used her telescopic lens. From her tower in the mountains the lady varlock had seen where the arrow craft had landed and she gathered 300 litches, 100 wraiths with 20 cannons, and took a trip to Cinder; the place where this vessel could be captured. Geyrmore awakes from a dream to see His son Malik standing at the entrance to the king's chamber Geyrmore starts to cry with joy holds his son and notices his son isn't a boy anymore, but a young man Malik tells his father that Marduke found his love in the Middle East; the ice mountains. She was also killed, but Malik says he didn't see Raquella his mother in the city of angels. 

    Geyrmore walks to the grand hall and sees Marduke with Isabella; Geyrmore sheds a tear in joy at the sight of the couple Geyrmore asks Marduke if he is the the one that brought his son back? Marduke says it was with the help of Quinn the wizard from Ice Mountains that helped us bring your people and your son back to you my lord Geyrmore looked Marduke in the eyes and saw confidence and mannerism that made him instantly a friend. 

    The next moment a scout from the northern cinder woods came rushing into the hall yelling to the people there "Geyrmore our king, there is a Lady Varlock on her way here to seize the flying vessel and to kill you sire" Geyrmore then asks, "what is her name?" The scout replied "Raquella" The scout after saying her name thought that hearing her name would stir emotions of hatred, but the people gasped at her name. The scout said, "Is she someone you know?" Geyrmore then said "That is my wife they have her under a spell, so help me god I will break this curse and save my love" Isabella then grabbed her pouch and took a small vile out She looked through her almanac to understand a potion that could restore a woman from becoming a varlock, she found the ingredients to heal Raquella. She would need to go to the tempest shop to find the ingredients to prepare the potion. 

    As she started to leave; She spoke to Geymore quickly and said, "I'm going to get some supplies to help Raquella" Geyrmore then said, "Will this save her?" Isabella said, "Trust in the Faye" Marduke then walked up to Geyrmore "we have a battle a head of us, Raquella must be saved at all costs, Quinn can you bless our shields and armor so that we can survive the majiks of the litches. 

    Quinn then went into the arrow-craft and found his assortment of potions and majiks to have majikal resistance and came back to the soldiers and bathed their armor in a majikal defense. 

    Isabella found the tempest shop and found the venus root, which is needed for the potion to work. Marduke with his 19 men were now prepared for war. the army of Cinder-Crest which was about 600 men joined by 89 crest men from the city of angels was now prepared for war.

    Quinn finds Marduke and Geyrmore preparing for the war and announces that his airship has to leave before Raquella gets to Cinder. He cannot allow the airship at all costs to fall in the hands of evil, so he must leave.

    Now before the swarm gets there. Quinn says to Marduke that he will take a ship to the Lebenon after the war; Quinn says that he predicts Marduke should be in the Lebenon in a month's time, that's when he says he will be there to greet Marduke.

    So Marduke and Isabella with his men will stay until the war is over. 

    300 litches with another 100 wraiths ride through the Cinder woods The Lady Varlock is behind the army.

    The lady sees the flying machine fly away towards the North Middle East and she tells the brewed to continue. As The Lady Varlock was preparing to storm the wall of the hallows. 300 men from Cinder and Marduke and Isabella rode from the south of Cinder to the Eastern valley forest. They gathered the men until they were directly behind the litche army to the north.

    The Lady Varlock gets to Kastle Cinder's wall of hallows and starts a cannon attack on the wall; archers from Cinder-Crest fire upon the litches and wraiths. The Cinder-Crest men drop boiling oil down the wall of the hallows to kill litches at the gate.

    The crestians fall back, and allow the swarm to get through the gate, as they all swarm in Marduke and Isabella in the woods comes from Behind the swarm of litches and wraiths and the Crestians from inside the Kastle; then flank the litches and wraiths with Raquella in the pack. They exit the Kastle areas near the moat, and Marduke and Isabella and the 300 Men, come from the north outside the walls to the entrance of Kastle Cinder.

    Marduke seizes Raquella, and Isabella administers the venus root potion in her mouth she reluctantly swallows and gets color to her face again and cries at the sight of Malik, who looks older, like he just reached puberty and his father Geymore was next to his son.

    As this was happening Munsturd Jack, took Raquella's set piece off his board and made his sphere grow black. 

    After this war was settled and they imprisoned the litches and wraiths. Marduke and company set sail to the Lebenon, to make it home. They said their goodbyes to Geymore and Malik and were given a vessel to sail to the Lebenon.

    They never made it, they were lost at sea, a storm sent them west they saw two suns, and thought the world seemed different. Pterodactyls were in the sky and led them to Hen a Eastern Arkapellago island.


   Gargamel Jenkyns goes to Guppee Pakistan in the Victorian Era, When Gargamel goes to war with Rusha it is at the beginning of the Modern Era.


    Con man robs a bank in Modern Era, of Fenley, and he travels to Lebenon in the Modern Era.


    Mike Connelly comes from Modern Fenley, and Mickey Guns comes from Valon. the fight takes place in the Modern Era. 


    Marduke Saga with the Bridge and Geyrmore take place at the end of the Ancient Era.


    Mortimore is a frigate navy soldier, in the Modern Era, he came from Fenley.


    Quinn in the beginning of the Modern Era, creates a cloud around Ice Mountains, and turbulence making it impossible to see City of Angels and to land there, or come near it. The flights have to go around Ice Mountains or they would crash.


    Angelina Howard and Olgolvie Menis are from Avalon Planet and are not registered for soul trapping to go to Hades or City of Angels, they have their own system of rebirthing themselves to be able to travel the stars and be born again if they die of old age or other causes as they sometimes allow themselves to do.

    Ogrre's Betrayal takes place in "Earth" City on Ubek, Angelina Howard came from the stars and fled from her man to Earth City on Ubek. This takes place in modern times when Guns are available on Ubek. Modern Era.


    The day cycle shifts slowly like seasons where there are areas of darkness that slowly get illuminated more by the thirteen-hour day cycle which gets to that part of Krowe or Arkapellago. The movement of the suns are not completely twenty-six hours, it is more like twenty-four hours, so it shifts slowly changing seasons.


    Fennis and Hayden Crowe establish their adventures from the Victorian Eras. and the Snow winds take place after the trenches in Pakistan border.


    Draven turns into a gargoyle in the Ancient Era, and he turns back into a man in the middle of the Victorian Era.


    Goatman comes to Draven at the beginning of the Victorian Era.


    Zestra is from the Ancient Era, and she meets Scallion in the beginning of Victorian Era before Goatman arrives to kill Draven.


    The black sun, shades Arkapellago City, from light, as the regular sun shifts and shafts of illumination hit the city with its black buildings and ash-colored streets.


    The reason why the Maji Men didn't migrate to Krowe in the Ancient Era is they had an established factory there in Arkapellago where they used a unity mega crystal that is lodged into the ground under Arkapellago City, this crystal supplies them with power that keeps them from needing to look for it somewhere else, The Grey Knights have tried to take over the city several times to take the source because It can't be found anywhere else in the world this big. it could harness a lot of power. As the Grey Knight tried to take over the city, they had to establish a defense to stay near the source, because they wanted to expand on the continent to make a mega city with the abundant metals in the Arkapellago mountains.


    The man who harnessed the power from the mega crystal is named Al Pacino, he sets the agenda, but the delegates are corrupt. The society there was established by Al Pacino because he used his power source as the catalyst for loyalty and respect in a den of thieves and killers. He was a very smart person at the beginning of time that didn't just join with Quinn, and their location he wanted to use the crystal to sway a nation with a president and politicians. Al Pacino discovered how to harness the crystal, no one else understood what it could do. Amon Ra was a delegate that Al Pacino trusted to try and find another crystal on the planet.


    There are fifty counties; Iowa and Michigan are along the western shore of Arkapellago. It's Michigan Arkapellago City. and Michigan is an all-black cityscape. with other Burroughs in Michigan. Blood red river goes through Arkapellago City.


    The giants of Anu are about eight to ten feet tall, there are females and males that live in Anu, and can lift nearly seven hundred pounds.


    During the nineteen forties after the war in Europe, In Africa there was a priest that calculated the arrival of starmen, He then prepared to give them the Ark of the Covenant. He gave it over and was given the candle and said goodbye, until they meet again. During the nineteen fifties Jack Parsons flew to the moon and met Zeus, who had the Ark, Parsons then later helped Zeus and Aphrodite to load Adolf Hitler's body into the Ark in the year Nineteen Seventy-Eight. Jack then went with Zeus to Hilt World in a part of the Milky Way Galaxy, they entered a zone near Hilt and phased their ships to enter the locked airlock. They landed during the Victorian Era. Adolf was reborn in a vat as Ryan James Hicks and was given a black cloak like the Maji and I.D card to blend in. He stayed underground until he encountered his opposition in the Victorian Era.

    Jack Parsons goes to Hilt with Zeus and Aphrodite and helps Jesus birth Ryan James Hicks, after they land in King County the furthest northwest county on Arkapellago, Parson's takes some gold into a vehicle and takes off down a dirt road to a farmer named Jimbo Klume, who talks about the United States of Klume all the time to Jack, as Jack eats at Jimbo's Bed & Breakfast. Jack takes a liking of the place and works as a farm hand during the day and a mini rocket scientist by night, he purchases a black cloak and fakes some papers as registered Maji Man with the local senator James Dean.. this is during the Victorian era and happens before James Dean dies.


   Jenna Jameson is also a Porn Actress in Arkapellago where she stripped for the Maji Men, and then worked for a director and made some killings of certain people. Ryan Hicks talks of hell, which is hades there in Hilt. A young man named Ryan James Hicks is after Jenna Jameson to make her repent or die because Jesus told him so,. Victorian times.

    John Edwards the Third is a Pimp who was prostituting Jenna at the beginning of the Victorian Era, he established a network to keep Jenna enslaved to the industry Maji Men, which she hated. She one day went into his hideout and shot the son of a bitch and took some gold jewelry and cash as payment and restitution. 

    John Hankley was a Maji operative with ties to Erdos when he was alive and worked with certain congressmen to mind control the masses of Arkapellago, was shot and killed by Jenna Jameson at a whore house in King County, robbed of his clearances and Maji I.D.'s that were given to Amy Adams by Jenna Jameson, at a women's support group that was established in the Victorian Era, that Grey Knight supporters would be able to network at these support groups. Victorian times.

   Jenna Jameson's children in Arkapellago were killed because they were studying to become smiths; they work with smelting metals, and so Jenna knew they were vile Maji women, so John Henry, Harriet and Anna Smith were killed in a vat of acid, to hide the bodies. Victorian times.

    James Dean was a Senator from King County who frequented a brothel where he was shot and killed by Jenna Jameson one night, Jenna had underground ties to the establishment as a kill house for the Grey Knights. Victorian times.

    James Howard was real estate owner who sold property in King County, he was killed right after a deal was made with Jenna to purchase the Whore House and establish a connection to the Grey Knights. Jenna gave James Howard three Percocet's and stabbed him in the back to make sure he was killed so that James Howard wouldn't establish connections in the community about the whore house. Victorian times.

     Avery Jones was a M.M. elite special forces that fought in the battle at Vale in the Ancient Era, he was looking to become a President right after Juan Eduardo died as President of Arkapellago. Avery succeeded and was ushered in during the end of the Ancient Era. he lasted as President until some time during the Victorian Era and was cut in the throat by /Jenna /Jameson when she was an escort for the Grey Knights establishment in Michigan County. She used a badge of the senator of /King County James Dean, to sneak into the hotel and cut Avery in the throat when he was sleeping, because she had access to hotel room by clearances that were given to the brothel owner which was Heinrick of the Grey Knights who he fronted as a different man as the official owner.

    "Bradley" or Pwarka Braddetto Pidwarka is la Pwarka number three who lives in Springfield, Michigan county and listens to whales humping music, he gets fat and tries to pick up women. if you support bradlo over the Maji Man named Amon Ra then you are a fucking chump.  Pwarka Braddetto pidwarka was the cunt sings the song james dean. Jenna Jameson was a women, he got stempaks to see into her life and read her thoughts to understand her past, Bradetto was able to get old porns with her in them to become fascinated by her porn dialog.

Modern Era.


    In "Isabella" there are three warlocks, that were not named, they were ghoul warlocks, ultimately mind-controlled by Golgoth. They weren't really alive in mind, but they were a force of protection for Golgoth at that time to protect, and for him to use to kill others as his muscle.


    After the child Amadeus is taken during the ancient era; Nyarlathotep created the black sun to put Arkapellago City into darkness.

The black sun leaves a black sunshade on Arkapellago City. The black sun leaves the city in darkness and the other sun moves in a circle to illuminate Arkapellago in different areas of the western side of Hilt world. The Eastern side Krowe has another sun that circles around the Eastern side and illuminates the continent of Krowe. The illumination fades out and goes dark on a twenty-six-hour cycle as the sun moves in a full oval over the continent, Both suns reach the Ice Mountains at the same time of day for the Ice Mountains.


In zero B.C.... At a time in Lebanon on Earth, there were advanced musical instruments and some metal workings to create flutes, violins and pianos, harpsichords, and paper with pocket watches and the first calendars that marked the End of B.C. And the beginning of year Zero, because Jesus Christ just passed away on the cross for out sins, God bless amen, spiritu sainti.

Amadeus was alive as a composer at the time of Jesus in zero B.C Earth time, The Lebenon it's a place on Earth. Jesus Vale was a disciple of Baron Krall from Vale and Kross of Hilt world, he took some of the flock of brethren to Earth, to convert the people there to become Christians for Jesus. Jesus promised to save the souls of the dying and told lies about his abilities as a very powerful person that he was. Jesus poisoned Amadeus after he found him in the Lebenon. Jesus took from Amadeus his woman, and then gave him a lethal dose of methadone and then hypnotized Amadeus to rise again and die on the cross for Jesus to take Jesus;s place, he made Amadeus appearance look very similar to Jesus Vale , to fake Jesus Vale's death.

Amadeus is the child, Baron found from Earth, he took him away from Jesus who was found out to be a worlock. Amadeus was locked in the Arkhe of the covenant, sometimes pronounced "ARKEH" which is the other structure to hold souls just like the Ark of the covenant.

Amadeus was then birthed by Baron Krall's Goddess and she, being a women that was in love with Jesus, took the child to St. Cedars to enslave him in the year 1609 A.D. Earth City time, The boy was given an age by St. Cedars an told of his birth year by the Maji Monks, and he remembered it in his young mind seeing it written on paper.

The child was abducted by Nyarlathotep and killed by Erdos before Marduke arrived to Eastern Arkapellago. Erdos was on Earth; Earth City that is when Nyarlathotep released the boy to Erdos. Erdos then proceeded to read into the boy, to see the future of his harem, where his women would be birthed to establish control through Amadeus's Soul, the manipulation of his women to be enslaved by Erdos and Nyarlathotep. Erdos butchers Amadeus to death in the year 1615 A.D. Earth time, which is what the calendar reads there in Earth City where the boy Amadeus reads the calendar and that's when he knows of when gets murdered, he sees Erdos and Nyarlathotep, rape his women and enslave them and is aware of the world looking different and more advanced in the structures of the homes and environment they had horses of steel there and vehicles which is during the Ancient Era on Hilt. Amadeus had a premonition about Erdos's death, which he saw would happen sometime in the future.


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