Conclusion de Warlock

 conclusion de warlock

           G Japanese (A) Scale

intervals:  1,b2,4,5,b6

half-steps: 1-4-2-1-4

notes:      G,Ab,C,D,Eb


Blow By blow, Heinrick, 

beats down erdos

cuts erdos's hands off

hangman noose Erdos's neck


Heinrick, moves swiftly through the streets of Arkapellago City 

looking for the man in the black robe and wizard's hat. 

This man seemed different from the rest of the Maji Men,

he seemed out of place in his black uniform which wasn't like the traditional Maji Men. 

Heinrick was wearing a cloak and hood, to hide his appearance and made his way to the stage where Al Pacino was giving a lecture about pest control, and changes needed in the cities... 

President Juan Eduardo would be speaking on stage about national security and the Grey Knight attempts at sabotaging the chemical factories.

Heinrick then walked to the side of the stage and showed his I.D. of a Maji Man that Amy Adams killed, John Howard. 


Blow By blow, Heinrick, 

beats down erdos

cuts erdos's hands off

hangman noose Erdos's neck


Heinrick went backstage saw a robed figure with wizard's hat and asked him for assistance, he was Erdos, who was the warlock. 

Erdos thought he was speaking to a maji delagater and went with heinrick. 

Heinrick moves into a limousine with Erdos,

they ride to the countryside of Iowa County 

stop in a wheat field, as they get out of the vehicle, 

Grey Knights are there with rope and blades 

Erdos tries to run, 

but Heinrick grabs him and knocks Erdos out, 


Blow By blow, Heinrick, 

beats down erdos

cuts erdos's hands off

hangman noose Erdos's neck


Heinrick stabs the hands of Erdos, 

if Erdos was able to use his hands 

to make a certain gesture with both hands, 

he would transform his shape 

into a dragon and breathe fire. 

Heinrick exposes the bodies in the field of Maji Men that have died

tells Erdos as he awakes 

that he's getting his hands chopped off. 

One by one hands are cut off his body 

and they bleed into the soil there. 

Amy Adams, starts the field ablaze 

to burn the bodies and Heinrick hangs Erdos, 

as he beats him to death.

heinrick beats erdos to death x4

heinrick beats down erdos to death


Blow By blow, Heinrick, 

beats down erdos

cuts erdos's hands off

hangman noose Erdos's neck


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