David de Rothchild and Brad Pitt...

    I've come to a new conclusion as to what I understand as facts to who certain people are. I learned from watching Brad Pitt in a new video, that he isn't the druggie that I thought he was and that he is not the person acting as Brad Pitt to me in tongues. I was mistaken by the idea that the people that spoke through me had to be truthful from the notion that they would die in a car crash if they lied about who they were to me. I learned now that it's a wild psychic network and that the people connecting to my mind's tongue is some druggies that claim to be David de Rothchild and Brad Pitt, as the catalysts that hurt my body. I learned they have certain tools that can attack my well-being, are connected to hollywood, and wanted to slander Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, David de Rothchild, and others with fake personas of these celebrities and others to my mind's tongue and mind. I apologize to David, Johnny and Brad, and others out there, hopefully, these dumb idiotic crackheads read a fucking book and stop talking, and learn to be moral and cordial. courtesy is the best fucking policy you dumb fucking druggie fraggots.


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